Lack of Sleep affecting men’s and women’s sex life

The modern lifestyle constantly encourages you to remain on for as long as possible. The office deadlines require you to work late into the night. You also need to keep checking social media or the latest trending topics. The sleep deprivation resulting from all these activities is, however, affecting your sex life and not in a good way.

Studies by various researchers have shown that sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of low libido and other sex disorders. Your low libido could therefore be the result of the hours of sleep you are sacrificing to complete your workload or browsing.

When we think of low sexual libido, it is usually in relation to men. However, recent evidence shows that lack of sleep is affect the sex life of both men and women almost equally. In fact, some studies indicate that when one partner is deprived of sleep, their partners also face a decreased sex drive.

In recent decades, physical exercise, meditation and quality diet have often been recommended as the natural remedies to lowered sexual drive. New evidence, however, suggests that all these may not help much if you do not get enough sleep to allow your body carry out the necessary biological functions at optimal levels.

Sleep deprivation and men’s sexual drive

Insufficient sleep affects many biological and physiological functions in the male body that are either directly or indirectly related to sex. Here are some of the ways that lack of sleep may be destroying your sex life as a man:

  • Low testosterone production

Adequate sleep allows your body to rest and produce important secretions like hormones. The production of hormones such as insulin and leptin had already been proved to be hampered by sleep deprivation. Testosterone has been added to the list recently following scientific studies.

A week of sleep deprivation has been shown to decrease the hormone’s level by up to 15%. Lower testosterone production is linked to almost all sex and reproduction conditions including erectile dysfunction, and infertility.

  • Other than lower testosterone, there is also a direct link between poor sleep patterns and erectile dysfunction.
  • Sleep deprivation, stress and cortisol

Lack of sleep causes stress and anxiety. The stress then triggers the body to produce cortisol, the stress hormone, in higher amounts. Studies have shown that there is a connection between high levels of cortisol and low male libido. Cortisol is believed to hinder the normal functioning of testosterone.

The effect of sleep deprivation on women’s libido

  • As in men, reduced sleep hours cause stress and the subsequent production of cortisol, the stress hormone. In women, the high levels of cortisol leads hinders the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. The two hormones are responsible for sexual desire among functions related to reproduction and sex.
  • Testosterone hormone is also produced in the women though it is required in small amounts. When the levels of testosterone in a woman are below optimum, it leads to a drastic drop in libido. Sleep deprivation is one of the major factors known to hinder the production of testosterone in women.
  • Beyond the desire for sex, lack of sleep has been linked with fertility and reproduction problems in women. This may be attributed to the stress, anxiety and other psychological effects of inadequate sleep.

Reclaiming your quality night’s sleep

Unless in cases such as chronic insomnia, inadequate sleep is mainly a lifestyle problem. You can therefore regain your quality sleep hours by adjusting your lifestyle. Some of the changes you may make in your life to overcome lack of sleep include

  • Reduced caffeine intake
  • Avoid heavy meals at night
  • Physical exercise in the evening but not too close to sleeping time
  • Unwinding before going to bed
  • Switch off digital devices while going to bed

If your sleep deprivation has already affected your sex life negatively, you should take deliberate steps to regain it even as you change your lifestyle to correct your sleep pattern.

The Hypnotherapy alternative

Anxiety and stress are closely connected to sleeping disorders. Therefore, for you to effectively deal with the sleeping problem you must address the cause of the stress, anxiety or even behavioural disorders such as dependence on coffee. Sleeping pills and antidepressants may help you regain your sleep but then you risk becoming dependent. Also, the pills will not help you regain your quality sex life.

Hypnotherapy, usually applied together with cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), can help you treat the cause of the anxiety and stress that’s making you lose sleep.

Why Hypnotherapy

  • Hypnotherapy addresses the causative harmful behaviour, trauma, anxiety, or stress by accessing the subconscious mind.
  • By addressing emotional issues like negative thoughts, anxiety, and stress, hypnotherapy helps you regain not only your healthy sleeping patters but also improve the quality of your life including sex life.
  • The therapy can be customised to fit your needs

Don’t let your sleeping disorder rob you of a quality lifestyle. Book an appointment with a hypnotherapist today and start your journey towards healthy sleeping habits and pattern.