

Are you in need of an inexpensive way to reduce stress or change your behaviour and attitude towards your life? Then self-hypnosis is just what you need. This technique will not only help you to stop undesired habits such as addictions, but also help you increase focus in any skill you are learning thus enhancing your performance.

The technique discussed in this article is called External/Internal method of self-relaxation. It was invented and developed by Betty Erickson. Today it is one of the most practical techniques of self-hypnosis.

It is also flexible allowing you to choose whether to use affirmations – stating the outcome you desire to achieve by the end of the self-hypnosis session. The flexibility and practicability makes it highly effective in helping you achieve rapid changes in your behaviour, well-being or attitude.


It is important to ensure that there are no distractions during your self-hypnosis session. Therefore choose a room that you can be on your own and, if possible, leave your phone outside or switch it off.

Also ensure you are generally comfortable. If you are too hungry, thirsty or too full, you will find it hard to focus your mind and thoughts on the hypnosis.

It is also best to sit on a comfortable chair. Avoid lying on a bed or flat surface because you might fall asleep.

In self-hypnosis, it is necessary for you to have a set of goals that you aim to achieve before you start the hypnosis session. Therefore, as part of your preparation remind yourself the exact outcome. Start by identifying the bigger picture then go on to the specific reasons you are practising self-hypnosis to make the change you are working on. Also estimate the length of time you intend your self-hypnosis session to last.


To start your self-hypnosis session, identify three things you can observe within your field your view. Focus and observe each of the objects individually for a short period of time. Use the same procedure to identify three sounds and focus on each of them for a short period as you did with the objects.

Next identify three things you can feel (kinaesthetic) e.g. the feeling of your feet on the floor. Focus on these feelings individually successively. Once done repeat the procedure with two visible objects, two sounds and two feelings and then one of each.

Focus on Happiness

The first phase of the hypnosis is now over. Next step requires you to close your eyes then focus your mind on something that makes you happy. This could either be an imagination or the memory of a time you were happy. To go deeper into your state of trance, imagine a sound that you can attach to your happy memory or imagination. Next attach a feeling you desire to have as you approach your goal.

You will soon start to notice you are no longer cognisant of the visual, audial or kinaesthetic things you had identified. This means you are much deeper in your state of trance and you are highly relaxed both in mind and body.

Surrender to the Subconscious

Take yourself into a deeper state of relaxation by allowing your mind to roam freely without the control of your conscious mind. Have total trust that your subconscious will proceed to focus on your initial affirmations.

Let your subconscious mind lead you out of the trance when it feels appropriate. Often, you will find that the trance lasted around the period of time you had estimated.


This is just one of the techniques of self-hypnosis that have proven highly effective and lead to big changes in a short period of time. If practiced consistently, it can help you develop a healthy eating habit, overcome addictions or even enhance your performance in various fields. Consult the resources available such as audios, e-books and lectures to train yourself on how to attain maxim benefits from self-hypnosis.