What exactly is Compulsive Behavior?
Compulsive behavior is best portrayed as continuously repeating actions as a way to try to control or dispose obsessive thoughts. Studies have demonstrated that its significant cause is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder otherwise called OCD.
OCD is an anxiety disorder and in the light of the fact that compulsive disorder is connected to OCD, it falls in the same boat.
Research estimates that about 50 million individuals worldwide may be having some form of compulsive behavior; however, it is believed that this number may be fundamentally higher. Most individuals suffering from OCD or compulsive behavior regularly say that it is a non-issue, and will endure the condition for a length of time, until the point it becomes difficult to deal with. Only then will they look for help.
If you are experiencing compulsive behavior patterns and anxiety, seeking treatment as soon as possible is the key to get this under control.
Signs to look out for if suffering from Compulsive Behavior
There are different sorts of compulsive disorders, and symptoms vary from one person to the other. Common kinds of disorders include:
- Compulsive shopping. This is unreasonable, impulse shopping, regardless of whether it is excessively expensive or not. It negatively affects one’s close relationships and prompt serious monetary challenges. Studies have demonstrated that 80% of people, who have this sort of conduct, are ladies.
- This a genuine failure to toss items such as old garments, daily papers, containers, broken things and anything else that is no longer of use. The stored waste provides hoarders with a misguided sense of security, and at times a temporary alleviation from frightful thoughts.
- Constant checking that doors and windows are locked from time to time, and gas stoves, iron boxes, and other appliances are turned off. These obsessive thoughts come from the idea that some burglar might break in, burn the house down and put the family in extreme danger.
- Fear of contamination when in contact with germs or bacteria leading to constant washing behavior like excessive hand washing, regular washing and wiping of surfaces and more.
- Research has demonstrated that individuals who talk constantly and dependably need to be heard, being aware of how talkative they are but cannot stop talking; don’t see that as an issue. This ends up irritating some people when in a social set up and these individuals avoid the talkative ones at all costs. Eventually, this talkative person will feel like an outcast, hence leading to more anxiety.
- You could turn to excessively cleaning the house, organizing things estimated by size, or repeatedly numbering items in the cupboards – all these in an attempt to silence your obsessive thoughts.
These impulses are meddlesome and could ruin your everyday life.
Suggested Treatment for Compulsive Behavior
A few medics may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs in addition to some self-help advice which may help in facilitating the symptoms.
Sadly some of these drugs could have serious side effects making the illness go from bad to worse. Some patients will find it difficult to follow the self-help advice, regardless of how practical and valuable it may be.
From the comprehensive research done by the Mayo Clinic, it is highly suggested that the ideal way to treat compulsive behavior disorders is by methods of hypnotherapy in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Hypnotherapy works where the therapist places you in a relaxed state of body and mind in order to delve deep into your subconscious mind. Here the therapist speaks to the subconscious mind positive suggestions and techniques that gradually change your negative thoughts and ideas, hence developing a new healthy mindset.
For most individuals, hypnotherapy can be of big help for treating OCD and other related compulsive behavior patterns.
How Hypnotherapy Attempts to Help You
High-quality hypnotherapy joined with the most revised CBT systems, can enable you to break free from unwanted behaviors, by training the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind to take control of your obsessive thoughts.
What you will learn from the hypnotherapy sessions include;
- How to foresee urgent urges before they show up and utilize powerful “thought halting” strategies when obsessive thoughts threaten to overwhelm you.
- Visualize mental images when you lock up and switch off appliances, which you will access once the urge to lock up and switch off comes up again.
- Change obsessive thoughts into positive thoughts almost on demand.
- You will be capable to alter undesirable thoughts into positive affirmations
- Most significantly, you will figure out how to restore your life, and gain control over your obsessive thoughts.
When you figure out how to pass these small strides, nothing will stop you from making improvements that come into your life.
A Valuable Tool
Hypnotherapy can’t be promised to work for everybody, as this relies on the individual and the attitude towards treatment. Be that as it may, it is a secure form of treatment, which has turned out to be a valuable tool to help fight mental health problems such as OCD and compulsive behavior.